Below is the list of USA Hockey coaching credentials that everyone who is helping off the ice, on the ice or behind the bench will need to complete.

KVHA is an affiliate of USA Hockey and the training is to educate our volunteer coaches and managers who are taking the time teaching, interacting and helping the kids stay safe and having fun on the ice.  Additionally, USA Hockey provides liability coverage for all members and those members need to be validated and properly trained for the insurance to cover participants in the event of an injury.

The process for a brand new coach will take about 8 hours online plus attendance at a 6-8 hour clinic.  For returning coaches, once you have the initial credentials in place, you only have to renew some items every other season, as outlined. Team and Locker Room Manager requirements are minimal.  Thank you to all who are helping!!


Be Prepared with a First Aid / Tool Kit!!

Things you will use often

  1. Hand sanitizer
  2. Instant cold packs
  3. Ziploc bags for Zamboni snow if no cold packs are available and also to hold teeth, mouth guards, etc
  4. Band aids various sizes
  5. Disposable surgical gloves - for holding lost teeth, mouth guards and dealing with minor cuts
  6. Kleenex

First aid items used less frequently

  1. Gauze and medical tape
  2. Antiseptic wipes
  3. Tweezers for splinters
  4. Sling for arm
  5. Tensor bandage (used only by someone who has been trained in wrapping)
  6.  Bleed stop

Hockey specific items to have

  1. Extra neck guard
  2. Extra mouth guard (if a child uses this it is theirs, and the family should purchase a new one to replace the one in the kit)
  3. Helmet repair kit, including a screwdriver
  4. Extra skate laces
  5. Hockey tape (clear, white and black)
  6. Scissors
  7. Skate sharpening stone

Girl Specific Items to have on hand 

  1. Hair elastics
  2. Tampons or sanitary pads (for 12u and older)