Boy's and Girl's divisions both have their own league. Little Caesars Amateur Hockey League (LCAHL) primarily has Boys' Travel and House teams, occasionally a Girls' teams participates but most of the girls' teams participate in the Michigan Girls' Hockey League (MGHL).
ADRAY Community Hockey League has 8u though 18u age classifications as well as their own state tournament and is also an options for teams to participate.
Sometimes a team will opt for no league play, and if they present a plan for the season to ensure the team can play enough games, this is also acceptable.
Most KVHA Travel Teams play in the Little Caesars Amateur Hockey League (LCAHL).
LCAHL determines your Team’s Level/Division (Yzerman, Howe)
- LCAHL Team Registration
- Registration opens in July -Team Manager or Coach must register team
- Teams must enter your team level on the registration but will have “play-in” games if you are requesting to move from your current division, or if you are a new team.
- Do not pay the LCAHL registration fee - KVHA pays for all of the teams
- From this registration, LCAHL compiles teams & divisions based on information they received
- LCAHL Schedule
- Travel Season typically begins at the beginning of September with play in games and scrimmages
- Play-In Games are used for new teams coming into the league as well as teams who wish to move up from their current level of play. Teams play 2-3 games at varying levels to determine where they will be competitive.
- LCAHL Director sends the team their division match ups for each round with team contacts
- Teams schedule the games
- For every round, the number of games you play depends on how many teams are in the division
- Regular Season September to January
- Playoffs in January and February, running in conjunction with district playoffs (see next section)
- Championships begin last weekend in February through the 3rd weekend in March (dates & locations vary)
Little Caesars Amateur Hockey League Calendar
2024 - 2025 Season
July | 18th | ALL | Registration Opens | ||
August | 30th | Travel | Registration Closes | ||
September | 1st | Travel | Alignment Games can Begin | ||
20-22th | Travel | KickOff Showcase | |||
24th | Travel | Proposed Final Regular Season Alignments Posted | |||
25th | Travel | Alignment Appeals Due | |||
25th | House | Registration Closes | |||
27th | Travel | Final Regular Season Alignments Posted | |||
28th | Travel | Regular Season Begins | |||
29th | House |
Oct | 1st | House | Regular season begins | ||
13th | Travel | Regular Season games loaded into Game Sheet | |||
20th | House | Regular Season games loaded into Game Sheet | |||
January | 6th | Both | Playoff Alignments Are Posted | ||
8th | Both | Playoff Appeals Due | |||
10th | Both | Final Playoff Alignments Posted | |||
10th | Both | Regular Season Ends | |||
11th - 12th | Both | Reg Season Makeup Dates | |||
11th | Both | First Round Playoffs Begins | |||
February | 28-M2 | TBD | Playoff Finals | ||
7th-9th | TBD | Playoff Finals | ||
14th-16th | TBD | Playoff Finals | |||
21st-23rd | TBD | Playoff Finals | |||
April | TBD | ALL | Champions Day at Comerica Park - Playoff Winners | ||
TBD | ALL | Champions Day at Comerica Park - Regular Season Winners | |||
25th- 27th
& May 9th- 11th |
ALL | Gauntlet Spring Events | |||
*All dates are subject to change. All team representatives will be notified of changes to the League Calendar. |
Our Ravens Teams Proudly Participate in the Michigan Girls Hockey League
Teams determine their Team’s Level/Division
- MGHL Team Registration opens in August - Team Manager or Coach must register the team
- Do not pay the MGHL registration fee - KVHA pays for all of the teams
- From this registration, the MGHL compiles teams, creates divisions based on teams registered
- MGHL Schedule
- The regular season typically does not begin until late October, early November
- MGHL Director sends the team their division match ups for each round with team contacts
- Teams schedule the games
- For every round, the number of games you play depends on how many teams are in the division
- Regular Season Late October/early November to February
- League Playoffs in February and March
- Championships are held mid-March
- MGHL Team Registration opens in August - Team Manager or Coach must register the team
The Adray league is a divisional competition league for children in Metro Detroit, Western and Northern Michigan areas; another option instead of LCAHL that has all divisions from 8u through 18u Boy's. They also have large HS Prep division to provide a competitive league for developmental U16/18 players on the journey to represent their schools varsity teams.

Gamesheets will start weekly training session starting on August 7 through November 27th
• Monday 8PM ET – Team Specific – Coach/Manager
• Tuesday 8PM ET – Scorekeeper Specific
• Zoom Meeting Link for all training session:
§ Meeting ID: 846 5196 0894
§ Passcode: 347008
MAHA, Little Caesar's Amateur Hockey League and the Michigan Girls Hockey have all adopted GameSheet as their league-wide scoring platform. This is free to help support our leagues’ infrastructure, eliminate paper score sheets and stickers, and streamline MAHA processes such as team credentialing for District and States. Also, use of the platform minimizes volunteer hours while providing real time updates to standings and scores.
With real time access to every detail of the game, GameSheet moves sports forward through patent pending analytics focused on players, referees, penalties, suspensions, injuries and more. League decision-makers are able to use the system to develop policy based on immediate league data, helping to grow the game while making sports safer and more enjoyable for players, families and fans.
While the system is incredibly user-friendly, the following is a summary of valuable resources and tools intended to answer questions, as well as ensure a smooth transition to this system:
iPad Sourcing: In order to score games the home team will be responsible for securing an iPad for the scorekeeper - the GameSheet scoring App requires an iOS 12 or higher, which is up to 10 years old.
IMPORTANT: Based on 10 years of experience, GameSheet strongly recommends that an iPad be facilitated within your team’s families as the primary option. Most teams in leagues/affiliates using GameSheet, some of which have over 600 (+) teams, a family member from the team will volunteer an old iPad for the Team Manager for the season to utilize for scoring home games.
Link to additional iPad solutions:
On-Demand Training Training Videos: Quick Start
Guide for Scoring:
Quick Start Guide for Teams/Managers:
In the following order
1. Create/login to game sheets. Coach and manager can have different account but both do all the same things
2. Click on your name in top right corner and click “accept invitation” one at a time in order enter your team invitation code (sent separately to each teams coach/manager from the league) , team code, etc.
3. Click on your team and enter your usa hockey number ( this will load your roster, must do anytime you make changes to your roster)
4. Enter games as instructed by the league. They can be labeled as regular season when creating.
5. If playing a non-league game, there should be a code to link their team. This gets entered in MAHA exhibition season.
6. When scheduling a game, the game number doesn’t matter you can put whatever you want, unless specific by the league.
7. The iPad app is only for scoring. If you create a game on the ipad app, it is only going to show in the app (you wont be able to see it on dashboard) until it is completed. The dashboard on the website is for creating the games ahead of time. Once created it should be viewable in app, unless the other team created it on their iPad.
8. Home team should create/score the game. Period lengths/penalties will be given to you by your directors. You must enter games within 24 hours of playing, make sure you uploaded the game.
9. You must hit “UPLOAD” after the ref finalizes the game! Or it will not show as finished
10. Make sure you were emailed the scoresheet before you leave the rink, so you don’t need to hunt down afterwards.
11. League iPad key is good for any scorekeeper to use and how you find your game you created. Do not share your login or team code, as its not needed.
12. You can always create the game at the rink if you forgot, just make sure you upload the game
13. If you are given an invitation from a tournament/another team, put it in “accept invitation” then choose to link it with your team
4. My Hockey Rankings pulls from gamesheets, they claim you shouldn’t have to enter your games into it.
Does the Scoring App Require Internet? - GameSheet Inc. Knowledge Base
- Internet is not required to score the game.
- Internet is required to log into the iPad Scoring app.
- Internet is required to create and upload games.
Internet is needed briefly when you are setting up the game, either by loading a scheduled game or creating one from scratch. It is during game creation that all of your season settings and rosters are downloaded. Once the game is created you can go offline and stay offline until the game is locked and ready to be uploaded. To upload the game you need internet again.
- Create / Load your games just prior to going to the arena to ensure you're able to connect reliably.
- If you're at an arena without Wi-Fi and need to load a game, setup a personal hotspot to make your own connection.
- Creating and uploading games uses very little data.
The length of periods during regular season play shall be at the discretion of the individual leagues and teams in all divisions with the following recommendations as a general guideline.
NOTE: Time requirements for District and State tournament play may vary.
10U|Squirt AA-A-B |
10-12 minutes |
50-65 minutes |
12U|PeeWee AA-A-B |
12-15 minutes |
65 or 80 minutes |
14U|Bantam AA-A-B | 15-16 minutes |
80 minutes |
16U|19U|Midget AA-A-B | 15-17 minutes |
80 minutes; 120 mins with resurface |
If anything is not working properly in the time keeper booth, please notify the front rink office
If a playoff home game, please notify front office to turn off the curfew clock (this is the only instance where this is acceptable to do so)
For playing music, you will need the appropriate adapter cord for an iphone or android. There should be an audio jack plugged into the score clock already, you just need an adapter depending on the type of phone you have.
Microphones are available to use, please ask front office
Home teams are responsible for providing a scoresheet, paying for referees (unless otherwise agreed upon) as well as securing a timekeeper and/or scorekeeper for home games.
Music is optional and may be played during stoppages but it is recommended to have more than one person in the box when playing music. Running the clock and ensuring score sheet accuracy is the first priority.
Timekeepers and Scorekeepers do not require any special certification and are typically parent volunteers. It is recommended to have a few volunteers for this so they can rotate throughout the season. Volunteers can practice running the clock during practices.
Prior to the beginning of a game:
- The head coach and assistant coaches must sign, print and write their CEP card number, CEP Level, and year obtained on the scoresheet.
- The Manager or Coach of each team shall list the players and goalkeepers who are eligible to play in the game, with the players correct jersey numbers.
- Make sure the correct game # (if applicable), home team, visiting team, arena, date are listed.
- Home team must indicate start time and if a curfew game
- The Away team MUST circle and initial the curfew box if it is not checked indicating that he has not been notified that it is a curfew game. (Little Caesar’s will not hear protests on curfew clock games if the away coach does not initial that it was left blank)
- Both Head Coaches should sign the score sheet that they approve if any of the following occur prior to the start of the game:
- Only one referee is going to ref the game -pay accordingly based on ref company policy. According to LC rules, If both do not agree, then the game will be rescheduled at the away team’s rink at the expense of the home team.
- A change in the length of the scheduled periods, (shorter or longer) or a change in the curfew.
- A team official or team family member has to ref the game.
- Have the referees PRINT their names on the bottom of the scoresheet.
During the Game:
- Keep your eyes and mind on the game and the clock.
- Pay attention to timed line changes, if applicable.
- Make sure that when you start/stop the clock, the clock responds correctly.
- As goals, assists and penalties occur, confirm that the jersey numbers for each match the roster. If they are not listed on the roster, verify with the team.
- Print goals, penalties, etc neatly on the game sheet, if you can’t read it, no one else can. Having a blank piece of paper with you is a good way to make notes so you can refer back and mark the score sheet appropriately.
After the Game:
- Complete the scoresheet
- Fill in the end time
- Do not cross out the goal or penalty column
- Circle and * any Game Misconducts (Point those out to the referee so he/she can add notes if needed)
- Have the referees initial their printed names and complete the scoresheet
- Distribute the score sheet White – League, Yellow – home team, Pink – visiting team, unless the referee retains the score sheet to document a game misconduct or match penalty. In this case, you will need to wait for the Referee to give you the score sheet.
- The visiting team must verify that all the information is correct before accepting the pink copy.
- Don’t forget to turn off the heater and stereo in the timekeeper booth, if applicable.
- Please take all belongings and garbage. If the garbage bin is full, please alert rink personnel.
KVHA Scoresheets are available in the bottom slot of the KVIH Team Mailboxes, in the slot labeled "Scoresheets". These should be used for scrimmage games. LCAHL or other league scoresheets should only be used for league game
Below is a template for scoresheet labels. Any 4'x'2' label will work.
It is best to list players by their number order, rather than alphabetically
Score Sheet Label Template
- Prior to the beginning of a game, the head coach and assistant coaches must sign, print his/her name, and write their CEP Level and CEP card number and the year the CEP Level expires on the score sheet (USA Hockey Off-Ice Officiating Manual, pages 9 and 10).
- Each team shall appoint and designate on the score sheet a Head Coach prior to the start of the game
- At the beginning of each game, the manager or coach of each team shall list the players and goalkeepers who shall be eligible to play in the game with the player’s jersey number. Be sure that any players not participating in the game are crossed off the sheet before the game begins.
- Use the following symbols on the score sheet to indicate any rostered team players that are not on the bench for the game:
- Abs = Absent
- Inj = Injured
- GM = Sitting Game Misconduct
- MP = Sitting for Match Penalty
- NIU = Not in Uniform
- Both Head Coaches should sign the score sheet.
- Both head coaches should initial that they approve if any of the following occur prior to the start of the game:
- Only one referee is going to referee the game.
- A change in the length of the scheduled periods (shorter or longer) or a change in the curfew.
- A team official or team family member has to referee the game.
- At the end of the game make sure you obtain your copy of the score sheet for your records, unless the referee retains the score sheet to document a match penalty. In this case, you will need to wait for the Referee to give you the score sheet.
Never leave a rink without a copy of the score sheet.
- All score sheets are to be kept in order of date played in a team binder.
LCAHL provides Approved League Scoresheets to be used for all Regular Season CAHL games.
- 13.3. An approved LCAHL scoresheet should be used to document the game and shall be kept in accordance with USA Hockey and MAHA requirements. Scoresheets should include the home team, visiting team, arena, date, time, player names and numbers, players that did not participate, player and coach suspensions, signatures of all coaches on both benches, curfew information if applicable, period lengths, the period and time of all goals and penalties, referee information, and any other information that may affect the game.
- 13.4. After the game has been played, the home team is responsible for:
- --13.4.1. Verifying all information and distributing the scoresheet.
- --13.4.2. Retaining the original or top copy of the scoresheet and being prepared to submit the scoresheet to its Division Director if so requested.
- 13.5. After the game has been played the visiting team must verify that all information is correct.
It is imperative that teams take the time before and after the game to properly complete their Game Scoresheet. Both Home and Visiting Team are responsible for the Game Scoresheet being proper, accurate and complete!
LCAHL cannot easily adjudicate Game Protests without a proper, accurate and complete LCAHL Scoresheet of the game in dispute. This is also true for USAH/MAHA when it comes to credentials verification, etc.
The LCAHL Scoresheet Example provided at the following link highlights important data fields which require accurate data entry. No data field should be left blank!
USA Hockey and MAHA require that score sheets clearly show Match penalties/Game Misconducts - score sheets not marked may result in that player missing another game to satisfy the penalty. MAHA will be looking for these to be properly documented during credentialing for District/State Play.
To document the penalty on the score sheet:
Circle the player name and the penalty
Note Name, #, penalty in the comments section both on the game when the match penalty occurred and for the game that the player sits out along with “serving game misconduct from xx/xx/xxxx “ If they are not noted properly, the player will have to sit out another game!!
If any player or coach is assessed a Game Misconduct, Fighting or Match Penalty you must notify the office as soon as possible after the game, within 24 hours. A copy of the score sheet should be provided to the office via emailed photo or scan or a hard copy should be dropped in the door slot at the rink.
You will also need to provide a copy of the next game's score sheet to the office showing that the assessed player or coach did indeed sit out. Be sure to note all game misconducts clearly on the sheet that the player (name & number) or coach is serving the game misconduct from (date of the game when they were assessed).
From the MAHA Annual Guide Pages 60-62
XIV: League requirements
1. General League Requirements.
a. The following conditions shall constitute a commitment and obligation of a team to participate as a member team of a league:
b. If an official of a team, or an authorized official of the program of which the team is a member, files an application for entry into a league in a situation where an application is the standard method used by that league over a period of years, and the application is accepted.
c. If an official of a team, or an authorized official of the program of which the team is a member, pays an entry fee for entry into a league, in a situation where the payment of an entry fee is the standard method used by that league over a period of years.
d. If no answer is given to an application in two calendar weeks, the team may apply elsewhere.
2. A league consists of four (4) or more teams in the same age classification, category and division playing a regular schedule of games.
3. A league must declare its age classifications and divisions before accepting entries from teams. Leagues may form checking and/or non-checking divisions in the 18, 16, and 14 and
under classifications.
4. Leagues may not accept teams that are not District and State eligible.
5. No team may play in a Canadian League unless permission is secured in writing from the USA Hockey, the MAHA, the Ontario Hockey Association, and the Canadian Amateur Hockey
6. A Michigan team which has qualified in a Canadian League may apply to its District Council and the State Playoff Committee for permission to participate in District and State Playoffs.
7. All teams from other USA Hockey Affiliates or Hockey Federations wishing to participate in a Michigan-based league, need their Affiliates or Federation’s written approval submitted to the MAHA President and a copy to the League they wish to join, one week prior to the league
commitment date. Permission is for each league’s playing season. A copy of final approval must be sent to each USA Hockey Associate Registrar.
8. The constitution, structure, policy, Bylaws, rules and regulations of Youth, Girls or High School leagues shall incorporate the following principles and policies:
a. All leagues comprised of teams from more than one Association, Club and/or Independent teams (excluding Adult Men and Women) must file a copy of its constitution and/or Bylaws with the MAHA President by October 1 of each year. Violation of this rule
may result in non-sanctioning, suspension, or other action toward the league.
b. The President shall review league articles, constitution, Bylaws, and rules and if the President does not mail written comments to the league within thirty (30) days of receipt, the articles, constitution, Bylaws, and rules will be deemed approved. The President shall
have the authority to require compliance with the above principles and policies and to recommend non-sanctioning, suspension, or other action toward the league to the Executive Committee for their approval.
c. The league’s rules and regulations shall provide that:
i. The League’s rules incorporate USA Hockey and MAHA rules and regulations and playing rules and exceptions may vary from USA Hockey and MAHA rules and regulations providing they are more stringent and without major change with the exception of age classifications. Age classifications must be strictly adhered to, from
6U (Mini-Mite) through 18U (Midget), High School and all Girls classifications, as defined in the MAHA Guide Section II and III., which will not be considered to be within the “more stringent” policy.
ii. If the league does not automatically permit all USA Hockey and MAHA qualifying teams to participate in the league in the appropriate classification within the league’s geographic area, then the rules should clearly define eligibility criteria for all teams. In such cases the rules should also contain procedures for teams to apply and a review
or appeal procedure if the team is initially denied the right to participate in the league. The same rules should also apply to a league that admits Associations or sponsor organizations rather than individual teams. This requirement shall not prevent Tier I
leagues from denying participation on the basis of teams not being competitive so long as there are criteria, application procedures and a review or appeal process set forth in the league’s rules and regulations.
1. All teams in spring and summer leagues and conditioning programs must complete an USA
Hockey Team Roster Form (1-T). Players and Team officials not registered prior to the
spring/summer season must register online through USA Hockey. Confirmation letters for all
players and team officials must be presented to the Associate Registrar for approval prior to
the start of any games.
2. Team Officials (Coaches, Managers, and locker room attendants) must provide proof of a
Background screening and Safe Sport before participating with the team.
3. A player’s obligation to his/her regular season team ends on April 30th of the current season,
or when his/her regular season team becomes inactive prior to that date.
4. A player who is a member of an active regular season team may register and play in
spring/summer leagues and conditioning programs if he/she has the written permission of
his/her regular season team coach or manager.
5. A player’s obligation to his/her spring/summer league or conditioning program ends with the
completion of the league or conditioning programs schedule, or when he/she is released in
writing prior to that date.
6. All spring/ summer leagues and conditioning programs must use the current playing rules of
USA Hockey /MAHA.
7. Spring/summer leagues and conditioning programs may have added special rules for their
league, provided such rules are not contradictory to, or less stringent than the current USA
Hockey /MAHA rules.
8. Spring/Summer Season league play may not start prior to the week of April 1st.
9. In all Youth divisions, a player may register and play with a maximum of two teams at a time
in the spring/summer season.
10. Spring/Summer players must play in the USA Hockey age classification they will be in for the
next regular (winter) hockey season.
11. 19U girls and 18U youth are eligible to participate up until August 31 of the current season in
the same age classification as the previous season.
12. All player or coach suspensions shall be served with the team with which the penalty was
incurred. If the team the penalty was incurred with has ended its season, the player shall
serve the suspension in his/her next game. Note: A player or coach receiving a match penalty
is suspended from participating in any USA Hockey games and practices until a hearing is
From the MAHA Annual Guide pages 60-61
1. All teams in spring and summer leagues and conditioning programs must complete an USA
Hockey Team Roster Form (1-T). Players and Team officials not registered prior to the spring/summer season must register online through USA Hockey. Confirmation letters for all players and team officials must be presented to the Associate Registrar for approval prior to the start of any games.
2. Team Officials (Coaches, Managers, and locker room attendants) must provide proof of a Background screening and Safe Sport before participating with the team.
3. A player’s obligation to his/her regular season team ends on April 30th of the current season, or when his/her regular season team becomes inactive prior to that date.
4. A player who is a member of an active regular season team may register and play in spring/summer leagues and conditioning programs if he/she has the written permission of his/her regular season team coach or manager.
5. A player’s obligation to his/her spring/summer league or conditioning program ends with the completion of the league or conditioning programs schedule, or when he/she is released in writing prior to that date.
6. All spring/ summer leagues and conditioning programs must use the current playing rules of USA Hockey /MAHA.
7. Spring/summer leagues and conditioning programs may have added special rules for their league, provided such rules are not contradictory to, or less stringent than the current USA Hockey /MAHA rules.
8. Spring/Summer Season league play may not start prior to the week of April 1st.
9. In all Youth divisions, a player may register and play with a maximum of two teams at a time in the spring/summer season.
10. Spring/Summer players must play in the USA Hockey age classification they will be in for the next regular (winter) hockey season.
11. 19U girls and 18U youth are eligible to participate up until August 31 of the current season in the same age classification as the previous season.
12. All player or coach suspensions shall be served with the team with which the penalty was incurred. If the team the penalty was incurred with has ended its season, the player shall serve the suspension in his/her next game. Note: A player or coach receiving a match penalty is suspended from participating in any USA Hockey games and practices until a hearing is conducted.
The length of periods during regular season play shall be at the discretion of the individual leagues and teams in all divisions with the following recommendations as a general guideline.
NOTE: Time requirements for District and State tournament play may vary.
10U|Squirt AA-A-B |
10-12 minutes |
50-65 minutes |
12U|PeeWee AA-A-B |
12-15 minutes |
65 or 80 minutes |
14U|Bantam AA-A-B | 15-16 minutes |
80 minutes |
16U|19U|Midget AA-A-B | 15-17 minutes |
80 minutes; 120 mins with resurface |