2023-2024 USA Hockey Coaching Requirements

We could not be a success without our coaches and managers and can’t thank you enough for being a mentor and a coach of these kids. We greatly appreciate the time and attention that you constantly give the program, your teams and your families! This is a reminder that for rosters to be submitted and received timely, thus being able to play games sooner, everyone should have the majority of their credentials complete before September 30.
If you are a brand new coach, it will take about 8 hours to complete the online requirements plus attendance at a 6-8 hour Level One Coaches clinic.
Returning coaches – please follow these 5 steps to verify your coaching credentials.
- Visit https://courses.usahockey.com/public/
- Log in
- Click on “My Profile” under the USA Hockey logo, upper left
- Click on “Coaching Information”
- Update anything missing asap!
This page has more information on coaching requirements –  https://kvhockey.org/resources/
Below is a list of everything that the coaches need and when everything must complete or be renewed. I have also attached an outline of the Coaching Requirements.
USA Hockey Registration USA Hockey Member Registration
- Must be completed every season after April 1st, before August 31st.
- The cost for coaches is $46 plus $10 affiliate fee
- Anyone who is coaching will need a USA Hockey confirmation number for the current season; If you play men’s league your USA Hockey # is good for that as well
IF YOU HAVE NOT SUBMITTED YOUR USA HOCKEY # TO KVHA FOR THE 23-24 SEASON, PLEASE SUBMIT HERE – https://kvha.formstack.com/forms/2324kvhavolunteersÂ
Background Screening Background Screen
- Self Registration Id #Â 35615801, cost is $30.
- It is valid for two seasons, and must be submitted before the season starts
- If submitted this year, it is good for this season (23/24) and next season (24/25)
- Must be completed before a coach can be placed on a team roster.
Safesport Online Training SafeSport Program Training
- Once yearly requirement with no associated cost
- The first time completing it takes about 90 minutes, the following two years are refresher courses that take about 30 minutes each and then you start over
- Must be completed before a coach can be placed on a team roster.
Age Specific Modules USA Hockey E-Learning
- Online courses covering different coaching strategies for different age groups.
- Â Cost is $20 per module.
- Takes about 3-4 hours to complete by watching online videos and answering questions.
- The modules are 8U, 10U/12U, 13+
- If a coach has a 10U module and moves up to 12U they will need to take the new 10/12U module.
- If a coach has a 14U module they do not need to do the new 13+ module, if the coach is coaching a 14U team.
- If a coach has a 16/18/19 module and the coach is coaching a 14U team that coach will have to take the 13+ module.
- A coach does not need to take the 13+ module if the coach has a 16/18/19 module and is coaching a 16/18/19 team.
- A coach must complete or have completed the module for each age group they are coaching.
- Once a coach completes a specific age group module, it does not have to be repeated
- Must be completed before a coach can be placed on a team roster.
  Coaches Education Program Clinics Levels Coaching Clinics
- Clinics are posted starting in August and are posted incrementally until December of each season
- Register and pay the $60 fee for either a virtual clinic or an in-person clinic before December 31.
- Coaches begin at a Level One, and will only complete one level per season until you get to a Level 4. Once at a level 4, coaches must complete 5 credit hours of continuing education within a 3 year period.
Locker Room Monitors and Team Managers only need to register with USA Hockey as a volunteer, which is free, complete Safesport training and submit a background screening.
Managers and Locker Room Attendants may not serve as on ice or on bench coaches unless they are rostered as coaches.
Any team parent can assist in the score box as a timekeeper or help with the score sheet, they do not need to be credentialed.
- KVHA will reimburse you for the cost of your USA Hockey Registration ($56) and Level 1-5 CEP clinics ($60)
- We do not reimburse for the Age Module or Background screening
- Reimbursements are automatic and made to coaches who have completed ALL of the required credentials and are rostered to a KVHA Team
- House coaches will receive a check mailed to their address of record.
- Travel Coaches will be reimbursed via transfer to the team account and then the team manager is responsible for disbursement to the coaches.
- All reimbursements will be made starting in November and all reimbursements will be completed by January 31st of each season
Please get started on your items soon so we are all ready to play some games when it is time!!